Why is Dambe warriors abuja trending ?

I’m Not Leaving Nigeria, Declares Dambe Fighter from Poland
One of the foreign fighters at the Dambe Warriors League (DWL) super-fight contest in Abuja on Sunday, Mateusz from Poland has revealed his plan to stay behind in Nigeria out of his love for the country.
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Dambe SuperFight 03: Thrilling battles unfold at Abuja Velodrome
The Velodrome in Abuja roared with excitement as SuperFight 03 brought the vibrant Dambe Warriors League to life.
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Dambe: High Hopes, Fierce Rivalries As Super Fight 03 Final Holds In Abuja
Dambe Warriors League ‘Super Fight 03’ final of Nigeria’s traditional boxing holds at the Velodrome of Moshood Abiola National Stadium in Abuja on Sunday, September 15.
Read more#DambeFighter #SuperFight03 #AbujaVelodrome #DambeWarriorsLeague #PolishFighter #TraditionalBoxing, #Nigeria #FierceRivalries
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