Experts Warn AI Medical Prescriptions Could Pose Health Risks

AI medical dangers, health risks AI, AI prescriptions, Nigerian health warnings, Ibadan health conference, medical AI risks, AI in public health, healthcare technology in Nigeria

Health experts warn AI medical prescriptions could pose risks, urging caution in self-diagnosis. AI lacks the nuance of patient history and health conditions.

Public health practitioners in Nigeria have raised concerns over the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for self-diagnosis and medical prescriptions. 

At the Health Promotion and Education Alumni Association conference in Ibadan, experts emphasized that AI-driven prescriptions might not consider the patient’s medical history, leading to dangerous health outcomes. 

While AI offers significant advantages in healthcare, practitioners cautioned that it should not replace qualified professionals. 

The conference aimed to educate stakeholders about the benefits and risks associated with AI in public health.

#AIMedicalRisks #HealthPractitioners #AIinHealthcare #IbadanConference #PublicHealthNigeria #SelfDiagnosisDangers #AIWarnings #AIandHealth

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