I want to talk to you about a different Hospital; it’s neither a public nor private hospital. You want to know? Now, lets talk.
I know an institution providing medical and surgical treatment. It has its own unique kind of infrastructure. The Ward you stay in it is a function of the ailment you came with. So, I challenge you this day, WHAT’S YOUR AILMENT?
For me, I have made up my mind to step into this Hospital only for one reason which is to deliver my baby. I don’t want to be admitted into this hospital for an operation, a surgery or the usual malaria medication. I want to step into this hospital knowing I am few weeks pregnant.
LIFE is a HOSPITAL. We the youths are the patients, while the Doctors are the Mentors we need. What do you think about the Hospital (LIFE); I mean, why are you in the Hospital? As a sickler or as an expectant mother.
I want to be known in this Hospital called LIFE as a deliverer of Destiny and not a regular client for Check-Up as a Lassa fever patient. Never you try limit your productivity in life. No one delivers a child without the counsel of the Doctor; there are certain people you shouldn’t do without if truly you’re pregnant in life. Get a Mentor for your purpose in life. Learn a good communication skill to attract the attention of the Nurses. Of course if you’ve been to any hospital, you would understand that your good manner influences the nurses. Be careful of how you speak to your Nurses so you don’t lose your baby (DREAM). These nurses are the link between you and the Doctor (MENTOR).
Every patient in the Hospital receives injection. So, it is not a promise that because you’re pregnant of your Big Dreams you won’t be injected with problems coated in a syringe. Prepare yourself for the rejections in your pursuit to achieving your Big Dream because they are injections that pains but for a moment.
There’s no injection without drugs. As an expectant mother that you are, your pregnancy pill is your WORDS. As you encounter problems in form of injection, counter the pains with your daily pill (POSITIVE WORDS). Yes, injections may leave you with a Scar but it will definitely make you a Star (a Mother of your dream). The number of injections you receive cannot kill your baby (DREAM), it will make your delivery easy. So, endure every injection/rejections for your baby’s (DREAM) sake.
by Precious Michael
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