Building a Secure Backend for Your Music App with JWT and Bcrypt

Overview, Technologies Used, Project Structure, Setting Up the Project, Initialize the Project, Install Dependencies, Environment Variables, Core Functionalities, User Registration and Login, Token Validation Middleware, Secure API Routes, Example Usage, Running the Server

In this guide, we will walk through the process of building a secure backend for a music app using Node.js, Express, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and bcrypt. This setup will handle user registration, login, and secure access to music tracks.




Technologies Used

Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment.

Express: Web framework for Node.js.

Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.

Bcrypt: Library to hash passwords.

JWT: Standard for creating secure tokens.

Dotenv: Module to load environment variables.

Nodemon: Utility to monitor changes in the code and automatically restart the server.

Project Structure

Here's a basic structure for the project:


├── controllers/

│   ├── UserControllers.js

│   ├── TrackController.js

├── middleware/

│   └── validateTokenHandler.js

├── models/

│   └── User.js

│   └── Track.js

├── routes/

│   ├── userRoutes.js

│   └── trackRoutes.js

├── .env

├── index.js

├── package.json

Setting Up the Project

Initialize the Project:

Starting Code

mkdir sandmusic-backend

cd sandmusic-backend

npm init -y

Install Dependencies:

npm install express mongoose dotenv bcrypt jsonwebtoken

npm install --save-dev nodemon

Environment Variables:

Create a .env file:





Core Functionalities

User Registration and Login

The UserControllers.js handles user registration and login:

Register User: Hashes the password and saves the user to the database.

Login User: Validates the user credentials and generates a JWT token.

Token Validation Middleware

The validateTokenHandler.js middleware ensures secure access to protected routes by verifying the JWT token.

Secure API Routes

The userRoutes.js and trackRoutes.js define routes for user-related and track-related operations. Protected routes use the token validation middleware.

Example Usage

User Registration: Send a POST request to /api/users/register with displayName, email, password, and profileImage.

User Login: Send a POST request to /api/users/login with email and password to receive a JWT token.

Secure Access: Use the JWT token in the Authorization header to access protected routes.

Running the Server

To start the server, use:

npm run dev

This will run the server with nodemon, which will automatically restart the server on code changes.


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