Canadian regional government declares August 3 Igbo Day

Saskatchewan, a region in Canada, has issued a proclamation designating August 3, 2019, as Igbo Day of Arts and Culture in the area.

This much was revealed to by the Igbo Cultural Association of Saskatchewan (ICAS) according to a release it issued on July 15, 2019. It said the proclamation “is what has become the first official designation of a day as Igbo Day of Arts and Culture by a provincial government in the whole of Canada.

“In issuing this proclamation upon ICAS’ request, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Parks, Culture, and Sport Honourable Gene Makowsky enjoined the ‘citizens of the Province of Saskatchewan to recognise this day’ as has been proclaimed.

Please click on the following link to read the official proclamation by the Government of Saskatchewan:
“What we have in Saskatchewan is a government that is friendly to diversity and multiculturalism,” ICAS President Dr. Chidi Igwe said. “In the past few years, our province has become home to many immigrant communities due to humane immigration policies and a stable economy that offers the promise of a good reward for hard work. So, the number of Nigerian-Canadians of Igbo descent has increase,” he said.

“When diverse cultures cohabit with respect for one another, each one enriches itself as they learn from one another. Nothing is more important to people than being able to be themselves, practise their culture and language wherever they have found a home. As the Igbo people of Saskatchewan, we are very appreciative of this act by our government, a strong message that this province is home to all of us,” Dr. Igwe said.

“We invite everyone to join us for a celebration of culture, a taste of Igbo cuisine, artistic displays, dance and performances,” Dr. added.

“In the same manner, two weeks ago, in what is the first proclamation of Igbo Day of Arts and Culture by a municipal government in Canada, Mayor Michael Fougere and the City of Regina designated August 3 as Igbo Day and encouraged the residents of the Queen City (as Regina is known locally) to dedicate this day for the celebration of culture with the Igbo community of Saskatchewan.

“Please click on the following link to read the official proclamation by His Worship Mayor Michael Fougere of Regina:”
“For more information about Igbo Day and the Igbo Cultural Association of Saskatchewan, please visit” (Daily Sun)

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