5 Extinct Traditional Wedding Cultures We Miss

With the existence of social media and the advancement of technology, the civilized version of Nigeria has forgotten about some really romantic traditional wedding cultures.

We have compiled a list of cultures that existed a while back. We hope that you adopt some of them for your traditional wedding. 

Proper Introductions

In the older days, families of the groom and the groom are properly introduced to the bride’s family. In fact, it is the groom’s family that steps forward first to represent the groom’s interest. Usually, this introduction takes a couple of weeks and even months. The idea is to make sure everyone gets to know one another well and it is also a way of strengthening the bonds between the two families.

The Water Culture

Water in the olden days was considered as life and easiness. When the bride is ready, water is poured on the ground as she steps out to see her guests and her groom. By pouring water on the ground, the families are wishing her calmness, coolness, happiness, peace of mind and easy access to everything good after she is married. 

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Patience was considered as a very important virtue. Days before the wedding, the bride is hidden away from her future husband. On the wedding day, he has to wait in anticipation for his new wife. The wife’s entrance is heralded with music and grand displays. 

Families Singing

A while back, the families of the bride and groom sing sweet songs for the couple. The songs are usually filled with lots of prayers and well-wishes. 

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Knowing the meanings of practices 

Nowadays, cultural practices are done without actually knowing what it means. In the older days, knowing the meanings made it more significant. Prayers made during these periods are received with much enthusiasm and gladness of heart. 



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