25 Sweet Romantic Gestures For Your Partner

A great relationship doesn’t need expensive shows of affection all the time. What matters more are sweet romantic gestures that can make your lover go awww…

Sometimes, a sweet gesture can make your partner’s day, even if it’s done in the smallest way. It doesn’t matter if you’re the husband, the wife or even a boyfriend or girlfriend to use these tips. What matters is that you care enough to create little ways to remind your lover that you’re still madly in love with them.

Love never asks for expensive gifts. You may have heard that before, but it’s something you must never forget. After all, love is in the air only if it’s in the details. No one cares about the big picture.

Read these romantic gestures and use them when you’re with your partner, and love will find a cozy spot to settle in both your hearts.

1.  Clasp hands when you’re crossing a street or walking through a crowd. Wrap your arms around your lover when you’re standing close to each other, and don’t keep more than a feet’s distance between each other unless you have no choice!

2. Write little love notes and slip it into your lover’s pocket even if it’s just a little ‘I love you’. These notes don’t have to be elaborate. Even a little lipstick mark on a piece of paper will bring the same smile!

3. Record a love message on your partner’s phone. Set an alarm for a time when you’re not around them with a message saying “check your recorder app/voice recorder”.

4. Surprise your partner by taking her out to a nearby favorite picnic spot late in the night while she’s still in her night suit. Spread a blanket on the ground and have an impromptu getaway with champagne and strawberries. Or plan a surprise weekend getaway to a nearby place.

5. Sit on his lap and behave like a mischievous minx when both of you are relaxing at home. Don’t let your woman walk around the house for a few hours. Carry her around the house no matter where she wants to go.

6. Help your partner prepare dinner and clean the dishes. Think of something innovative to do while you’re at it, like cooking while wearing nothing but aprons or a little food fight.

7. Fill the tub with hot water when your partner returns from a business trip or a long day at work. Get in together and give your partner a backrub and a massage. Get naughty if the mood feels right.

8. Look into your partner’s eyes and say “I love you”. Say it like you mean it without trying to be funny or sounding corny.

9. Spend time with your partner now and then when they’re enjoying their favorite hobby, even if it’s something that doesn’t interest you much.

10. Dedicate a song and sing it out in a karaoke bar for your partner. A few glasses of booze can give you the courage you need. But if you’re too shy for that, sing it over the phone.

11. Plan a flash mob dance along with friends on your partner’s special day.

12. Whisper a message in your partner’s voicemail and say something naughty in the middle of the day.

13. Give your partner a foot massage when both of you are relaxing on the couch. Hold your partner’s hand and waltz while humming your lover’s favorite tune. Look for little ways to bring a smile on your lover’s face.

14. Stop on your way back home and pick up your partner’s favorite dessert for a late night treat.

15. If your partner isn’t enjoying their food at a restaurant, switch plates and give them your better dish.

16. Slip into bed naked and surprise your partner with your impromptu nudity. Tie a little ribbon around your waist or any strategic locations if you want to be their gift for the night.

17. Take a picture of yourself wearing your partner’s clothes and sext it to “the best partner in the world!”

18. Give him a shave when he’s lazy. Help her brush her hair when she’s in a hurry.

19. Give each other inexpensive well wrapped gifts every now and then. It could be chocolates, flowers, a game CD, or even a potted plant.

20. On the days that you forget to kiss your wife goodbye, drive back home and give her an intimate kiss and a bear hug *unless you’re in a hurry*. Or come back home now and then just to kiss your wife *because you missed her already!*

21. Bring breakfast in bed with your sweetheart’s favorite breakfast menu. Try your best to prepare them yourself. And don’t forget the flowers!

22. Perform an erotic dance. Even better if you have two left feet which leave your partner in splits.

23. Be your partner’s maid for a day. Treat your partner like royalty for a day or even a few hours if your partner doesn’t allow you to play the maid for an entire day. You can even wear a French maid’s dress!

24. Watch a romantic movie together once a month and order all the rich takeout food you’ve been craving for the entire month. Switch off your phones, cuddle up for the evening and don’t move out of each other’s sight.

25. Give each other a happy ending massage!

Love is less about having sex seven times a week. And love is less about expensive gifts. Love is more about bringing a smile on each other’s faces for no reason at all. And love is more about letting your partner know you’re still in love with little affectionate gestures.

These twenty-five sweet romantic gestures are all you need for a blissfully long and happy relationship.

Do you like them? Send this list to your partner so they know what’s on your mind. After all, all of us could do with a little more love, laughter and smiles in our lives.


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